Data Protection Notice
With the following declaration we hereby meet our legal obligations and inform you about the storage of your data, the nature of the data, its purpose as well as our identity. We will notify you about the first transfer and the nature of the transferred data.
1. The subject matter of the data protection
The subject matter of the data protection is personal data. This can be data related to personal or material circumstances of a specific or specifiable person. This may include name, postal address, e-mail address but also the usage data like the IP address of a computer.
2. Automatic anonymous data collection, data processing and data usage
We collect process and use automatic, non-personal information delivered to us by your browser (cookies).
This information includes: - Browser type/version - Operating system Referrer URL (source of the link) IP address (host name of the computer used) Time of the server request
In most browsers it is possible to choose a setting under the “settings” function in the menu tab so that your browser does not accept any more cookies or deactivates any cookies already received. This can however have an adverse effect on certain functions of the internet page. If you would like to reduce your use of cookies, you should ensure that every browser and computer that you work with has required level of protection.
3. Initiated personal data collection, data processing and data usage
The collection and usage of personal data is not as a rule necessary for the use of the website. No such collection is carried out by us. We will only collect, process or use personal data that is given freely.
This may be necessary in the following cases:
1. Registration
In order to complete an order, you need to register in advance. To this end, it is necessary to provide personal data. You will be asked to provide the following personal data: -Family name, first name -Address -E-Mail Address Telephone
2. Execution of the contract
It may be necessary to pass on your personal data to other companies which we use to perform services or execute the contract. This includes, for example, transport companies or other service providers. Unless it is necessary for the proper settlement of the business, we will not pass your data on to third parties.
3. Passing on of data to state institutions and authorities
We only pass on data to state institutions or authorities entitled to receive such information in the framework of our legal duties or because of a judicial decision.
4. Transferal of data abroad
As a rule, we do not transfer data abroad.
4. Underage persons
We are particularly interested in ensuring the protection of the data of children. For this reason, we do not scientifically collect, process or use the data of underage persons if their responsible adult has not given their consent. As soon as we find out that an underage person has given personal data without parental consent or given personal data of such persons, we will delete this data without delay.
5. The right to information
The customer always has the possibility to request information about data about themselves that we have stored, even insofar as relates to the origin of this data, receiver or category of receiver which the data was passed on to, as well as the reason for the storage.
6. Deletion and Blocking
We undertake to delete personal data which is processed for its own purposes as soon as knowledge of them for fulfilment of the purpose of their storage is no longer required. Data will also be blocked if there are reasonable grounds that by deleting the data, protectable interests of the person affected would be compromised or if a deletion is not possible due to the particular storage type or if the necessary effort to do so would be disproportionate. Furthermore, you may at any time have the data which have been collected by us blocked, corrected or deleted. The data will also be deleted if you withdraw your consent to the collection, processing and use of your personal data. If you revoke your consent during the current business transaction, the deletion will occur directly after the conclusion. Further legal obligations to delete or block data remain unaffected.
7. Technical and organizational measures
We undertake to meet the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the execution of the provisions relating to data protection insofar that the effort involved is reasonable in relation to the sought purpose of protection. We cannot guarantee total data security regarding communication by e-mail. For this reason, we recommend sending confidential information by post.
8. Identity of the responsible entity
The responsible entity in matters of data protection laws is Richard Birnbach Musikverlag GmbH & Co. KG, Grabbeallee 15, 13156 Berlin
Further information regarding this can be found in the imprint.
9. Withdrawal
The customer always has the possibility to withdraw consent about the collection, processing and use of their data with regard to future arrangements.
The withdrawal is to be sent to: or to the address written in the imprint.